
Monday, June 19, 2017

Taming a Jackaroo by Sidney Valentine #Romance #Western #sexy #fiction @SidneyAuthor

 Taming a Jackaroo by Sidney Valentine
He wants to throw away his future. She’ll do whatever it takes to save hers… Even tame a wild Aussie cowboy.

City girl and serial non-dater, Affrica Clarke travels to Boulia, Australia, to investigate the environmental impacts of the local mining company. Unless she proves herself and wins that promotion, she’ll lose so much more than a pay rise. Yet everything goes wrong the moment she lands in the outback. With no research equipment, only skimpy clothes packed by her best friend to help her score a date, and a tight deadline to submit her report, she’s screwed. So when a sexy cowboy offers to play chauffeur, she’s all over it. But she’s there to shut down the mining activities, not fawn over the guy who’s supporting them, no matter how sizzling the attraction between them.

Billionaire jackaroo, Sam Preston tempts fate as an adrenaline junkie, living each day as if it were his last. Angry and wounded, he’s in town to sell his cattle ranch to the local mining company and be done with his past—until he meets hapless city-chick Affrica, who has no clue about surviving in the desert. Sam doesn’t know how to stop being a daredevil even though Affrica reminds him of the happiness he once had.

Can Sam let go of the past before he loses the one person who's finally breathed new life into him, or is it not possible to truly tame a jackaroo?

- Book excerpt (Family friendly)
Sam might be a hunk, but that didn’t make him safe. She remembered Trevor saying that Sam hadn’t been around for the past year. Where had he gone? What guy left his cattle station for such a long time? Probably more interested in spending his fortune than leaving it for his kids. The complete opposite of the kind of guy she imagined herself settling down with one day.
Fine dust particles outside the mechanic’s carport blew inside, whipping around her legs. Old oil containers, tires, a car seat, and half an engine littered the room. It resembled a typical garage, grease and thick layers of grime coating every object. She wouldn’t be surprised if the back of her white shorts turned black.
A faint clip-clop sounded in the distance, and she stared at the road where waves of heat distorted the houses. She imagined the simple lives of the residents of Boulia. Few people, and no traffic or pollution, if you excluded Brian’s garage. However, simplicity came at the cost of scorching heat, few job prospects, and no gourmet corner coffee shops. What she wouldn’t give for an iced caramel latte right now.
She checked her phone for the hundredth time. No message from the courier about her equipment.
Something snorted nearby and she jolted. At the garage opening stood a large chestnut horse. Sam sat atop the animal, and they were both backlit by the daylight. He dipped the front of his hat with his hand, wearing a confident grin. “At your service, miss.”
That single gesture had Affrica’s knees bouncing. The scene reminded her of the few western movies she’d seen, and for a moment she froze in place, too caught up in the perfect image of a ranger or sheriff. Don’t be stupid.
She stood, wiping the dust off her rear, and approached the pair. “Where’s the car?”
“This is the only transportation we need.” When the horse jittered to the side, he tugged on the reins. “It’s more reliable than a car.”
Surely he was joking. She stepped back. “But you had that ute yesterday.”
“Sorry, it wasn’t my car. I had to return it.” He patted the blanket draped across the back of the animal, behind his saddle.
Her jelly knees refused to harden. “I’ve never ridden a horse before.” The last time she had attempted to get on a horse she was eight years old. The darn thing had bolted and thrown her off. Since then, she’d avoided the four-legged, hay-munching beasts.
She threw the phone into her backpack and threaded her arms through the straps. “There must be something I could borrow?” She surveyed the garage. “A bike would be better.”
“Affrica, if you can manage a bike, a horse is no different. Just bigger, that’s all. Anyway, I’ll be doing all the work. You simply hold on to me.” His grin was filled with seductive mischief.
Behind her, Brian’s voice caught her by surprise. “Horses are perfect for quick trips.”
“The location you showed me on the map isn’t that far out of town,” Sam added.
Seconds earlier, she had pondered what it’d be like living in a small town, and here was her chance to try it… with the help of a man out of a girl’s cowboy dreams. She had to give it a go or Meebe would never allow her to live it down. And it worked well with her plan to get closer to Sam. Except her stomach churned at the thought of climbing onto such a huge animal—the horse, not Sam. Her cheeks flamed at the idea of straddling Sam.
“I give you my word,” Sam said. “I won’t let anything hurt you while you’re under my care.”

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Editorial Reviews

“Want some push-me-pull- me romance? Love the battle of the sexes, knowing it could end in a tie? Pack some rugged clothes, leave the LBD behind and discover love, the Sidney Valentine way!”

“Fun and Sexy”

“As sizzling as the Australian Outback.”
Where you can find the author: 

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